You are worth much more than that.

Trang, I know you miss him, I know you want to unblock him on FB to see how he’s doing, whether he’s moved on with someone or not, etc., and I completely understand why you would feel that way. It’s normal, it’s valid.

But don’t do it. It is because you know you deserve better than that, you know it will only hurt you, whatever it is that you find there. You have been grieving since before Christmas, you have been treated so disrespectfully, albeit unintentionally. Grief goes through you whenever it wants to, but remember our progress. Remember what has happened in the last 7 months and more.

He is probably not a bad person, but he’s not the one for you – he is inconsiderate and not very strong. He has moved on, and he should. You knew it. You deserve much more respect and kindness than that.

It hurts so much, I know. It hurts so much to be treated with so much disrespect, yet having to act like an adult and forgive, only to be told horrible things. He apologised, so let it go, and let it die. You are worth much more than that.

Brevity is the soul of wit, but please, do feel free to comment :)